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Healthy is the new sexy! VITALIFE is one of the most sought-after organic drink that has been created by far. It helps you to achieve that sexy figure and healthy body. This organic drink is a blend of slimming components, vitamins, fibers, essential fatty acids infused with the power AFA


Green Tea Extract

One of the major ingredients of Vitalife. It is a natural fat blocker.
It also Improves brain function and physical performance, and Lowers
risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease.
Contains various bioactive compounds that can improve health which can
improve brain function and make you smarter. Increases fat burning and
improves physical performance, Lower your risk of various types of
cancer and Protect your brain in old age, lowering your risk of
Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease.

Citric Acid and Calamansi Powder
It can help keep kidney stones at bay, an antioxidant, controls acid
balance, improves mineral absorption, a good Vitamin C source,
Maintains kidney health, helps with weight loss, skin tone and bowel
movement, helps relieve cold and flu, lowers blood cholesterol. These
are good for preventing Sore throat, tonsillitis, nausea, cold, flu,
cough, constipation and diabetes.

Lemon Flavor

Lowering stroke risk, combating cancer,maintaining a healthy
complexion, preventing asthma, increasing iron absorption, boosting
the immune system, decreases the risk of obesity, diabetes, heart
disease and overall mortality while promoting a healthy complexion,
increased energy, and overall lower weight.

Other Ingredients
Afa Powder, Green Tea Extract, Citric Acid, Refined Sugar, Calamansi
Powder, Lemon Flavor

Major Benefits of VitaLife

Boost Up Your Fat Burning Ability
Lowers Cholesterol Level in the Body
Good for Cardio Vascular Problems
Contains Cancer Preventive Properties
Improves Physical and Mental Performance
Promotes Stem Cell Renewal because of AFA
For more information please contact Distributor Nationwide on
Rufus Emakanu 




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